Weather and climate of the tropics Including topics such as: Monsoons: Dynamics and Change; Tropical dynamics, tropical cyclones
Subtropical dynamics and change
Extratropical dynamics and change: Jet dynamics, storm tracks, cyclones, variability and change
Meteorology and climate of the antarctic and high latitudes
Weather and climate extremes: Case studies and attribution Including topics such as: Extreme events: Case studies and attribution; Heatwaves; Heavy rain; Weather as a resource: opportunities and threats; Compounds events: regional and hemispheric perspectives
Weather and climate prediction advances Including topics such as: Nowcasting; Short to medium range prediction advances; Subseasonal to Seasonal prediction advances
Diabatic processes in the dynamics of synoptic-scale weather systemsand atmospheric rivers
Mesoscale to convective-scale processes. Including topics such as: Convective-scale processes; Tornadoes in the Southern Hemisphere
Land surface processes and urban climate – Atmosphere/Biosphere interactions, High mountain topis
High-Performance Computing, Machine Learning, and Quantum Computing Advances for Weather and Climate Modeling Technological advancements in oceanography/atmospheric sciences; Machine learning/AI in understanding climate
Regional climate change: projections, applications and trends
The stratosphere: dynamics and predictability, ozone depletion and recovery
Atmospheric chemistry and air quality
Teleconnections and climate variability
Solar radiation modification and climate change
Cross-shelf exchanges: insights from observation and model applications
Southern hemisphere boundary currents.
Marine Heatwaves in the Southern Hemisphere.
Advances in ocean modelling and prediction
Deep ocean world (as currents, salinity, etc)
Chemical oceanography Southern Hemisphere Biogeochemical Cycles: Unique Signatures and Global Implications
Polar Connections: Interactions Between the Southern Hemisphere Cryosphere, Oceans, and Atmosphere Ocean/cryosphere interactions
Coastal oceanography Oceanography from coastal areas
Ecosystem modelling for living marine resource (LMR) management
Submesoscale processes in the ocean: – Observational challenges and advancements in submesoscale oceanography; Role of submesoscale eddies in nutrient transport and primary productivity
Emerging technologies in ocean observations
Combined community
Southern Ocean and the climate system. Air-sea interactions in the Southern Hemisphere
Citizen science The transference of the science knowledge (might be included as a subsession)
Paleoclimatology, paleoceanography and archaeology of data